Battle Stations - Incoming!
Posted on 24 Aug 2018 @ 9:13pm by Major Terrance West & Lieutenant Deeli Kosu (Dec-Jan 2389 - TRNSFR After Gorn War) & Lieutenant Amiri Aldana 365, D.V.M., M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Iria Taltos & Lieutenant Junior Grade Eira Cortez & Ensign Kevin Kilbane (Jan 2389 - TRNSFR After Second Battle of XFY) & Lieutenant Harry Stevens & Ensign Bryan "Cowboy" Davies (Jan 2389 - WIA-TRNSFR to XFY Medical) & Lieutenant Junior Grade Matsius Amur, M.D. (Jan 2389 - TRSNFR After Gorn War) & Lieutenant Junior Grade Artemis Ward, M.D. (Jan 2389 - TRSNFR After Gorn War) & Lieutenant Junior Grade Radun Dran (Dec - Jan 2389 TRNSFR After Second Battle of XFY) & Captain Edward Bolingbroke (Dec-Jan 2389 - TRNSFR After Gorn War) & First Lieutenant Gregor Goss (Dec-Jan 2389 - TRNSFR After Gorn War) & First Lieutenant Eleanor Hargreaves (Dec-Jan 2389 - TRNSFR After Gorn War) & Lieutenant Junior Grade Geneviève "Jenny" Lassonde (Dec-Jan 2389 - TRNSFR After Gorn War) & Ensign Rora Tai & Ensign Aaron Michaels (Dec-Jan 2389 TRNSFR - After Second Battle of XFY) & Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Jessica Wilson & Yeoman 1st Class Halona Grayson
Ka Hakaka Maikaʻi - The Good Fight
Location: Various
Timeline: Concurrent with "Another Front of the War" and "Hoʻopaʻi - Revenge"
“All hands this is the Bridge! Red Alert - Battle stations! I say again, Red alert - Battle Stations! All senior staff to quarters!” Boomed throughout the ship.
Iria walked into the room and gave a wry grin to Jessica Wilson, she had taken to calling her Jessie but only in her head she hadn’t actually gotten the other’s permission for the nickname. she walked over to the nearest console and checked things over.
Jessica had heard the call and had her tool kit belted on knowing full well that she was going to need it at some point, as she noticed Lieutenant Taltos enter giving her a look and a small smile, she replied with a short nod of her head in response.
“Did much happen before the red alert?” She asked lightly as her fingers danced over her console.
“Not Much that I know of,” replied Jessica, looking back at the officer, “I did hear that Lady Sif got injured,” as she knew Harry would be worrying over his Dog.
“Focus kitty” She slaps Iria on her back as Deeli had entered behind her “Get everyone ready. Iria I want you on damage control, guide them” Deeli said with some concern on her face as she looked at Jessica “Petty Officer, keep your focus on the power flow, communicate with the Bridge about their demands in power” Somehow, Deeli was taking charge, had something changed from within her.
Iria winced at the sudden slap on the back she wasn’t used to such excessive expressions from Kosu. If it had been anyone else she would have told them to back off it was too sudden from Kosu, and Iria, was thrown off balance, literally.
“Hey, watch it will you,” replied Jessica as she nearly hit the consoles switches, “you could of hurt me,”
Deeli grabs Iria arm “Be careful kitty…” Deeli said not looking at her, just as she blushes a bit and let’s go of Iria walking towards the warp core to connect towards the terminal.
“I have been called worse nicknames over the years, but yeah I will behave, no worries Kosu.” She said wondering what had gotten into Kosu in the last bit, between the station where she had smarted off to Hawthorne from the Devonshire, to now suddenly physically expressive. She was reasonably certain it was Kosu but her actions were vastly different from the normal Kosu, that everyone in engineering was used to. Personally, Iria was intrigued but it wasn’t the time to find out what was up with the CEO.
Jessica thought oO What is it with everyone today? Oo as she continued on with her work.
Kevin returned to his Security station console and informed the Chief Security Officer and bridge he was issuing orders to the security squads, deploying them around the ship to ensure protection of sensitive areas.
[Intel Office]
"Oh for the love of God," Eira walked into the Intel office with a sense of urgency. There had been no prior warning or indication of why the ship would be at red alert, and no reports had come through to her as of yet. She watched a couple of the other guys in the department take up their stations, except for one.
Aaron Micheals looked to Cortez for guidance. He knew his usual battle station, but she might have a different idea for where she wanted him to go.
Even though he was fairly new to the ship, just as Cortez herself was, Ensign Micheals was one of the few she trusted without hesitation. Stopping and actually looking at him for a few moments she nodded and said, "I trust you know what you're doing Aaron, so go ahead. I want you to get all possible information on what's going on."
"In case of anything, anyone who has battle training, be prepared. Anyone with medical experience, I want you on standby to help with any casualties." All four of them just stood there and looked at her, obviously having heard about her, "Don't just stand there, get to it!" I'm surrounded by incompetence she thought to herself.
Rushing into the medical bay, he looked around not seeing the Chief ‘Where is s/he? Matsius shrugs and looked at the nurses “Get to your stations right now, prepare for wounded, get the biobeds ready and the operational chamber on standby” He orders as every nurse and medical officer began their task as Denise stood at his side “It seems you can keep your lewd behavior on a leash when you want” Matsius looked at Denise and then down “Maybe…” Receiving another flat handed hit in his face “You animal…” Denise said as she walks towards the biobeds “But it keeps you focused…mmm” He mutters as he taps his commbadge “Medical to Bridge, we are ready”
Dr. Ward came through the entryway at a jog, taking stock of the situation and surveying the working space at the same time. Noticing the department was already busy preparing for the coming action, he moved quickly to gather his supplies.
Doctor Aldana 365 and Sombra were indeed already in sickbay when the alert came through. S/he had actually been the “nurse” this El-Aurian male in a teal-highlighted uniform had barged in and started barking orders at. Aldana took a deep breath, calmly and collectedly set down the medical supplies s/he’d been doubling up on, turned, straightened up to hir full height of nearly two meters, and asked, “Excuse me; and who are you?”
Sombra meanwhile recognized the extra loud alert and flashing red lights. He knew this meant sooner rather than later more feet would be not watching where they were going, and in some cases various fluids might be spilling about. He ducked out of the main sickbay and made his way to Alpha’s chair in the den-area s/he called ‘office.’ He climbed in, curled up and hunkered down in the one closest – least likely place for Alpha to be – place he could safely be to hir.
Hearing an androgynous balanced voice, Matsius turned towards the nurse “Well, I am Lieutenant Amur, the new Assistant Chief Medical Officer” He was holding himself back, there was something off with this pretty lady. Plus, Denise’s eyes were staring at him, it almost burns the back of his head.
“I see,” Aldana smirked, “you must have just arrived, allow me to introduce myself. I am Doctor Aldana, Chief Medical Officer.”
“Heh” Matsius said in a bit surprise reaction and blinked, “Well thanks, was supposed to report to you.” He said turning his attention now towards his Chief.
“We’ll take care of formal introductions at a better time. For now, be aware there is a patient in recovery two. She is not to be disturbed under any circumstances. The room is sealed under my sole authority, so don’t even bother. She is to be kept in no more than 5% light conditions and the room is specially set to an anosmic environment. (Without smell.)
Nodding towards the Chief “Gotcha, I will take care of coordinating the staff. Patient at recovery two will not be disturbed” Matsius acknowledge the orders and turned towards the staff to help the coordination.
Securing the last of his protective gear, Dr. Ward directed a handful of medical staff as they prepped the OR. He would have to re-arrange some of the larger items when he had time, but for now this would have to do. Satisfied that everything was clean and secured, he turned to the others and said, “alright, this should suffice.” He activated his commbadge and hesitated for just a moment, what were the ranking officers’ names again? “Ship’s surgeon to CMO and Assistant CMO, the trauma ward is ready to receive patients.”
=/ \=Medical to Bridge, we are ready=/ \= Matsius stated as he looked around seeing all medics present.
The sickbay settled into the eerie hush that was the proverbial calm before the storm. Aldana decided to keep active. Given the misidentification of who s/he was on the part of the AMO, s/he thought it might be a good idea to have an informal greeting of the surgeon too. S/he approached the outside of the OR and activated the chime.
Dr. Ward heard the chime cutting through the tense atmosphere. “Enter” he said, perhaps a touch peevishly, what could it possibly be at a time like this. He exhaled, centering himself in case the intruder wasn't somebody he could order away.
The door parted, and Doctor Aldana stepped just inside. “Hi, I know things are busy, so I’ll be brief while we have this calm-before-the-storm so to speak. I wanted to introduce myself, I’m Doctor Aldana 365, the Chief Medical Officer. Do you need anything?”
“Sir,” Dr. Ward gave a sharp nod in Aldana’s direction, “Artemis Ward, trauma surgeon. Good of you to step in, lets us get the formalities out of the way.” He replied curtly. “I have all the supplies I’m going to need for the coming action. This space will have to be streamlined but, that will have to be another time.” he gestured around the OR.
“We’ll see what we can do.” Aldana made a sweeping gesture to indicate the whole medical area. “This is all of the previous chief’s doing. I’ll be glad to work with you later with any suggestions you may have.” S/he turned to leave, but hesitated. “One more thing. I have a patient in Recovery Two, she is not to be disturbed there is an anosmic environment currently in there.”
"Duly noted Sir, and I'll have a list of recommendations forwarded to you when this business is all over." Dr. Ward affirmed.
[Marine Barracks]
Bolingbroke was going over a unit equipment requisition list when the Red Alert was announced. He left his office and headed directly to the Marine Ops Room.
Corporal Hudson jogged past in the corridor heading to the Armory. “Orders sir?” He asked
“Not sure yet, get them prepped for boarding and countering-boarding ops. I’ll be there shortly” Bollingbroke replied
The Corporal nodded and ran on.
[Marine Command Center - Deck 22]
Bolingbroke entered the Ops Room joining his commander who was watching the viewscreen.
“Sir, I’ve got the teams preparing for boarding and counter-boarding. Orders sir?” He asked
Before the Captain could respond, West entered the center.
“ROOM TENCH-HUT!” came the voice of a private.
“Get back to your stations!” Barked West. “What the hell is going on?” the looming Major asked as he continued advancing towards the screens where Bollingbroke was.
Bollingbroke snapped to attention with the rest and waited for the Captain, to inform West, and himself, of the situation.
“S-sir, ship just went to red alert. There is an unidentified vessel half a parsec out approaching the debris field and closing, w-we-we---” the Captain stuttered.
West realized this was one of the newer Captains since there were transfer and now he was leading a Company for the first time.
“STOP,” West ordered. “Breathe in. Breathe out,” West said, trying to calm down the Captain. “Go.”
“We’re putting together plans for boarding and counter-boarding,” the Captain finished.
West didn’t reply and looked at the large screen in thought. He looked at Bollingbroke.
“Lieutenant Creedmoor is it?” West asked.
“Sir, First Lieutenant Bollingbroke” He gave his correct last name instead of title. “I have Second Special Ops Team drawing weapons and we await our orders. Sir”
“Well, we’re not bowling in any brooks,” the Major attempted humor. “I need you and 5th MSOT to the flight deck on ready five. I don’t like the looks of our visitor.”
“Understood sir!” Bollingbroke snapped off another salute and double out of the Command Center to catch up with his team at the armory.
He passed a couple of his colleagues heading in to see West and get their orders as he left.
Bollingbroke got a brisk nod from Hargreaves; the two hadn't met but she'd read up on her next assignment ahead of time. An assignment which had seen her on board less than a day after arrival at Xavier, a day in which she'd barely met her team and barely had time to toss a haversack onto her rack, then everything was going to hell.
That was alright. She knew what to do in those circumstances. Right now, it was report in.
The Marine Command Centre was a comfortable buzz of activity and the sort of gloomy alert lighting that focused the mind, and it was easy to spot Major West in the commotion. The approach and salute bore expected military precision, but she was brisk as she said, “Major West, sir; Lieutenant Hargreaves, 4th MSOT. Where do you need us?”
Gregor approached from the opposite direction, waiting until his comrade had finished her introduction before beginning his own. “Sir,” he announced, “Lieutenant Goss, Third Special operations team, awaiting orders as well.”
“One minute you can't find a Lieutenant and all of a sudden, we're brimmin' with 'em,” West said to himself as he looked at the screen before turning back to the fresh officers. “Fourth to the Flight Deck to load up with Bolingbroke. Third, contact Ensign Stevens and see where Security needs us to reinforce,” West directed.
“Sir.” Hargreaves' acknowledgement was brisk, hiding her relief that she and her Marines wouldn't be sent to support security. Not that it wasn't important work, but she preferred to solve problems than stave them off, and she set off with West's dismissal.
“Jawohl.” Gregor affirmed, Snapping a crisp salute and moving off at a brisk pace. He would give his best to whatever duty he was assigned. Boarding may promise action and glory, but at significantly greater risk to life and limb, Defense may be reactive and perhaps unneeded, but it was often safer. Altogether it seemed to pros and cons balanced each other out.
[Diplomatic Office]
Dran cursed loudly in Bajoran before turning to his people, “you heard the announcement! Battle stations. Anyone with medical training, you’re in sickbay, weapons training, get down to security, they might need the extra hands!”
He grabbed his assistant by the sleeve, pulling him closer. “Hendricks, you have damage control experience, get down to engineering and help Lieutenant Kosu. You’re the best we got. Go!” He pushed the man toward the door, before following him out himself.
[Combat Information Center]
Halona got herself seated at a console and began looking over the reports that were being sent in from the various locations on the ship the notifications of updates from the station, even a few notifications from the Devonshire and another ship whose signature was scrambled. She frowned as she began getting the information sorted to the important issues and anything that doubled over she marked, with the sources. Her next step was to forward an update to the bridge, to be available to the Captain, First Officer, and to Commander Tolkath.
There was chaos all around Greyson in CIC as people were shouting. Not only were they conducting an emergency disembark from the station, but also tracking a hostile target that seemed to be the Gorn vessel encountered earlier.
=/ \=“Zamora to CIC. The unidentified vessel is designated Tango 01, any new information is to be forwarded to the bridge science station immediately upon acquisition.”=/ \= The XO ordered over the comms.
=/ \=Understood, target now called Tango 01, for all future reference.=/ \= Halona replied as she began updating the list she had been working on to forward.
“They will be in weapons range in five minutes!” someone shouted.
Halona nodded, “Bridge target Tango 01 weapons range five minutes out!” She relayed as calmly as possible, this wasn’t her natural area but she as doing her best.
=/ \=“Affirmative CIC.”=/ \= Came the reply from above.
Halona kept her eyes on the screen before her and listened as she was told other information. She wasn’t scared, yet.
[Turbo Lift 1]
Tolkath rode the turbo lift down from the Bridge and tapped his commbadge
=/\=Tolkath to Lieutenants Cortez and Kosu and Ensign Kilbane. Draw phasers and report to the Flight Briefing Room Deck 20”=/\=
=/\= I'm on it, Sir =/\= Cortez responded with a nod, and then headed out of the Intel office with a nod to Micheals as she checked her phaser and pocketed it.
=/\= Kosu here, roger on request=/\= Was the only responds that Tolkath got from Deeli.
=/\=Aye Sir=/\= Kevin replied, drawing a phaser for himself, checking it's working order and then heading for the flight briefing room.
[Flight Control Centre - Deck 20]
Rora had been pacing around the room reading reports and listening for updates but the notice from Cassidy's console to her PaDD brought her up short. She read it, then after a breath confirmed she got it, then she headed out of the room at a jog...
[USS Devonshire Briefing theater, Module H ]
Bryan sat in his flight suit as the various honchos had spoken. He had been assigned to the Hawaii and this squadron not that long ago. Anxious to actually sit in a starfighter again he thumbed his PADD and almost zoned out when he realized his CO was speaking.
“…the Redeemers together with Flight 801 to form the attacking force. Captain Corso and the Black Eagles will play the role of the defending force, tasked with protecting a convoy of runabouts as they traverse zone F of the debris field to rendezvous with XFY”
Jenny was then cut off when a klaxon began sounding and the screen replaced the briefing presentation with a message informing them that XFY had just declared red alert. Almost before she could finish processing this information she was jolted by the bellowing voice of Captain Corso.
“Don’t just sit there! That’s a red alert, MOVE! Come on come on, velocemente!” The Yellowjackets were up and bounding out of the theater in a heartbeat, the Knights took a moment longer to get moving, unsure of what to do on this foreign soil, but were soon cajoled into action.
Finally, some action! Bryan jumped to his feet and grabbed his data PADD and headed towards the exit.
“Come on y'all!” He called out to his flight. He paused as he spotted someone grabbing his leader’s arm.
Jenny was dashing to the exit when she felt someone grab a hold of her arm. She whirled around to look angrily up into Leo’s face. “What the He…” She started to shout.
“You and your flight will launch last, after the Redeemers. That way my flyers can take off in the order they’ve practiced, and the deck crew will have a chance to familiarize you with the launch system. Yes?” Leo explained intently.
“Yeah, that…makes sense” Jenny replied, unable to fault his logic in the heat of the moment.
Bryan approached from behind and stood behind his flight leader. He locked eyes with someone he was rapidly considering a class 1 A-hole for a moment. He smirked in that especially annoying way only he could.
“Good, now come on.” He replied, taking off at a run. Jenny dashed along behind him as they rushed to catch up with their units.
Juan "JJ" Zamora, CDR, SF
Tolkath CDR SF
Halona Grayson, YN1, SF
Rora Tai, ENS, SF
Deeli Kosu, LT, SF
Iria Taltos, LTJG, SF
Kevin Kilbane, ENS, SF
Jessica Wilson, ETC, SF
Amiri Aldana 365, D.V.M., M.D., DR, SF
Matsius Amur, M.D., LTJG, SF
Artemis Ward, M.D., LTJG, SF
Sombra C.G.CA/U
Eira Cortez, LTJG, SF
Aaron Michaels, ENS, SF
Radun Dran, LTJG, SF
Terrance "Terry" West, Maj, SFMC
Bolingbroke 1st Lt SFMC
Gregor Goss, 1stLt, SFMC
Team Leader, 3d MSOT
Eleanor Hargreaves, 1stLt, SFMC
Team Leader, 4th MSOT
Geneviève "Jenny" Lassonde, LTJG, SFFC
CO, FLT 801
Bryan "Cowboy" Davies, LTJG, SFFC
XO, FLT 801