Watch Stations: Command Duty Officer (CDO): Although an official watch stander, the command duty officer (CDO) may be on duty for a period of several watches. The CDO is eligible for command at
space and is designated and empowered by the captain to advise, supervise, and direct the officer of the deck (OOD) in matters concerning the general operation and safety of the ship or station.
CDO for each watch section is as follows:
Sections 1 & 2: CO
Section 3: XO
Section 4: 2XO
Officer of the deck (OOD) is a position that confers certain authority and responsibility. The officer of the deck on a ship is the direct representative of the captain, having responsibility for the ship. In port, the OOD is stationed on the quarterdeck with a Petty Officer of the Watch (POOW).
When underway, the officer of the deck is stationed on the bridge and is in charge of navigation and safety of the ship, unless relieved by the captain or a senior qualified line officer. The officer of the deck is assisted by the junior officer of the deck, who is in the process of qualifying as full officer of the deck, and the conning officer, who is also training to become an OOD, but is directly responsible for the maneuvering of the ship. The following positions also assist the officer of the deck on the bridge: boatswain's mate of the watch (BMOW), quartermaster of the watch (QMOW), and signalman of the watch (SMOW).
Boatswain’s Mate of the Watch (BMOW)
The BMOW is an enlisted assistant to the OOD during under way watches. The BMOW must see that all deck watch stations are manned with qualified personnel and all watch standers in previous watch sections are relieved. Although the section leader and the division petty officer have the duty of instructing the personnel they send on watch, the BMOW must verify that every person in the watch has been properly instructed and trained.
Quartermaster of the Watch (QMOW)
The QMOW is an enlisted assistant to the OOD while under way and in-port. The QMOW assists the OOD in navigational matters and maintains the ship's deck log. Additional duties include reporting and recording space weather changes and executing required ship's navigational lighting changes.
Signalman of the Watch (SMOW)
The SMOW stands the watch on the bridge (under way) and the quarterdeck (in-port). The SMOW delivers messages, answers communications, and carries out such duties as the OOD may direct. Messengers need to be familiar with various departments of the ship and ship's company.
Combat Information Center Watch Officer (CICWO)
The CICWO supervises the operation of the CIC, which reports, tracks, and evaluates space contacts.
Combat Systems Officer of the Watch (CSOOW)
The CSOOW is the officer or petty officer on watch who has been designated by the Chief Tactical & Security Officer to be in charge of the combat systems equipment. They are primarily responsible for the safe and proper performance of the combat systems equipment.
Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW)
The EOOW is the officer designated by the Chief Engineering Officer (CHENG) to be in charge of the engineering department during a watch period. They are responsible for safe and proper performance of engineering department watches following the orders of the CHENG, the commanding officer and higher authority.
Space Weather Watch Officer (SWWO)
The SWWO is an officer or senior petty officer who is a qualified space forecaster. The SWWO
supervises the collection of environmental data, prepares space forecasts and warnings, produces operational environmental products, and disseminates information as needed.