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10 Aug 2020 @ 5:18am

Captain Akio Tachibana

Name Akio Ken Tachibana

Position Commanding Officer (CO)

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Brown (Shaved)
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Akio is a tall male who keeps his head shaved. His most striking feature is his smile.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Akihiko
Mother Yumiko
Brother(s) Akira
Sister(s) Nami

Personality & Traits

General Overview Akio often thinks about things that aren't on anyone else's radar. He is also underestimated as he is not very outspoken. Based on this, sometimes Akio is often misunderstood as constantly brooding.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Infinite passion, public speaking, multi-tasking, and leadership.

Often, Akio is found to be taking in his surroundings and may appear indecisive. He also has a short temper especially when it comes to incompetence. He can be reserved at times.
Ambitions Akio would like to teach at Starfleet Academy one day.
Hobbies & Interests Calligraphy, gardening, reading, history, modeling, and sword fighting.

Personal History Akio was born to a calligraphy teacher and homemaker in Koide (小出町 Koide-machi) a town located in Kitauonuma District, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. A lot of Akio's compassion comes from his mother while his impatience comes from his dad, especially when students would refuse to learn properly.

Akio was the oldest child and he wanted to get away from Japan and see the universe. Sometimes he misses home very much along his travels.

At the Academy, Akio was a natural at Operations. After graduating, Akio began his career as an eager Ensign aboard the USS Mississippi. He served six years before transferring to the USS Lafayette as the Chief Operations Officer. During a fateful away mission, the XO was seriously wounded and Akio was promoted to Executive Officer.

As his tour aboard the Lafayette came to a close, Akio expected an assignment as an instructor at Starfleet Academy, but with the Gorn Invasion, Starfleet Command had other designs and thrust Akio into command of the USS Hawaii.
Service Record 2370-2374: Starfleet Academy
2374-2376: Operations Officer, USS Mississippi, ENS
2376-2378: Assistant Chief Operations Officer, USS Mississippi, LTJG
2378-2381: Chief Operations Officer, USS Mississippi, LT
2381-2384: Chief Operations Officer, USS Lafayette, LCDR
2384-2388: Executive Officer, USS Lafayette, LCDR
2388-2389: Commanding Officer, USS Hawaii, CDR
2389-Present: Commanding Officer, USS Hawaii, CAPT